We organise conferences with many different structures, from specialised one-day meetings to established multi-day conferences and international peripatetic congresses.
If you have an idea for organising a conference then we would be interested in hearing from you.
Initially, we will need a brief outline of the proposed subject scope and any additional ideas you have, for example, the number of speakers and delegates or the length of a conference. Please read the guidelines below for the initial information we need and contact us, the events team to discuss your idea..
If you have an idea for a Faraday Discussion, please refer to the guidelines on the Faraday Discussions FAQs pages.
Provide a working title for the meeting.
Suggest relevant RSC subject communities and interest groups to be involved with organisation. Consider what would be the main objectives and benefits to the community in organising this conference.
State the case for the science programme. Consider the scientific objectives of the conference. You should include, for example, your comments on the importance, impact and timeliness of the conference.
Describe the target audience. For example, academics and/or industrialists, students, UK and/or overseas, chemical scientists and/or other disciplines. Give an indication of the number of research groups working in the field.
State the proposed length of the conference, one-day or multi-day, parallel or single session, and the ratio of invited to contributing speakers.
Suggest dates for the meeting. This should not clash with other Royal Society of Chemistry meetings or potential competing meetings.
If the conference is an international peripatetic conference please give as many details about the series as possible. For example please include details on which organisation oversees the series and the bidding process, and the location, dates, and delegate numbers of previous conferences in the series.
Suggest a venue. The RSC office can offer advice on venues and does have a preferred venue list.
Suggest potential members of the committee. These should be finalised after consultation with the RSC office.
Give names and affiliations of proposed speakers.
State the approximate number of delegates.
Information about any competing conferences and recent conferences on the topic would be helpful. Consider other societies or organisations which are active in this area.
The RSC office will provide advice on sponsorship, but it would be helpful if you can give an idea of the level of sponsorship possible and from whom.