The Photophysics and Photochemistry Group is one of the RSC's many Interest Groups. The Interest Groups are member driven groups which exist to benefit RSC members, and the wider chemical science community, in line with the RSC's strategy and charter.
Our aims
To promote photophysics and photochemistry and to foster an interest in the subject in industry, academia and the public.
The traditional fields of photophysics and photochemistry are now the basis for diverse modern-day applications in areas such as solar energy conversion, electronics, sensors, nanotechnology, biology and medicine. The scope of the group’s interests reflects this diversity and includes:
- Fundamental photochemistry and photophysics of molecular and extended materials (e.g. photoluminescence, charge and energy transfer, photoreactions, photoswitching, photochromics)
- Photocatalysis, solar fuels and solar cells
- Photochemistry for medicine and biology (optical sensing, imaging, photodiagnostics and therapy, DNA, fluorescent proteins, photosynthesis)
- Spectroscopic techniques (ultrafast spectroscopy, pump probe and flash photolysis, fluorescence lifetime imaging, single molecule spectroscopy, optical tweezers)
- Theoretical photochemistry
- Photochemistry for devices (light-emitting diodes, photolithography, sensors)
The Group organises a number of events each year, many of which are targeted at Early Career Members. You can see all of our upcoming events using the Forthcoming Events link on the left of this page.
Benefits of Membership
- Keep up to date with national and international developments in photophysics and photochemistry and its related fields
- Annual newsletter
- Periodic e-alerts promoting upcoming events in photophysics and photochemistry.
- Bi-ennial photochemistry meeting in the UK/Ireland which gives early career researchers the opportunity to present their work alongside internationally renowned speakers.
- Student bursaries to aid attendance at meetings
How to Join
RSC members can join the Photophysics and Photochemistry Group by updating their details in the “My communities and subscriptions” tab of the online RSC membership area. Please click here to login and add to your list of Interest Groups.
Quick links
Forthcoming events
Forthcoming events organised by the Photophysics and Photochemistry Group.
Contact the Secretary
For further information on the Photophysics and Photochemistry Group you can contact the Secretary, Dr Paul Scattergood MRSC.
Support for interest groups
Useful information and resources for all RSC interest groups.
Downloadable files
The current committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry Photophysics and Photochemistry Group
Professor Zoe Pikramenou FRSC, University of Birmingham
Dr Olof Johansson MRSC, The University of Edinburgh