80 Wedding Photographers

80 Wedding Photographers in New Haven, CT

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Wedding Vendors in New Haven

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are photographers based in New Haven affordable?
A: Definitely! Around 7% of New Haven-area photographers offer rates starting under $1000.
Q: Who are some top-rated photographers in Greater New Haven?
A: New Haven-based photographers like Fritz Photography, Esteban Gil Photography, and William Oakley Imaging have glowing reviews from a number of happy couples!
Q: Which New Haven-area photographers would you recommend for artistic wedding photos?
A: Sue Takes Photos, LightMaster Studios, and Prestige Barkley photographic design are known for their artistic photo style and are well-reviewed by couples.
Q: Do any New Haven-based photographers specialize in wedding engagement photography?
A: Yes! Couples speak highly of many photographers' engagement photo services, including Cronin Photography, Rob Skinner Photography, and Brigham & Co. Photography.
Q: How many Greater New Haven photographers offer online proofing services?
A: About 57% of photographers in the New Haven area offer online proofing services.